Margaret Domnick - The Inside Story...

I'm a woman, mother, friend, sister, daughter, wife and partner in crime. I'm spontaneous, anal, loud, loving, funny (or at least I think I am), and generally honest. Sometimes I get these thoughts... so I've created this blog to share them. Feel free to respond, but be kind...did I mention that I'm sensitive?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bike Blog One: The Reality of it All

Well, I haven’t been in the Colorado Rockies in a very long time. And, let’s just say the last time I was here, I was in a younger, more wild stage of life, and it is just a lot different than I remember. And, it’s AMAZING! It’s the kind of amazing that makes you step back and ask “so, why am I living in Wichita, Kansas?” Then, of course, I remember that…ummmmm…my husband and I work there, have four kids rooted there, and have friends and family near there; but still, the mountains and cooler weather make for a good argument.

I left Wichita in 112 degree heat on a Tuesday morning at 10:30. Everything was carefully packed, including a newerish, fabulous road bike and all the accessories that go along with it (including bike shoes that caused two embarrassing falls within one week at the same busy intersection). I was on my way to begin the final phase of this crazy bike adventure.

So, as I sit here in my room tonight, as ready as I’m going to be, I’m thinking about all the things that have happened to bring me to this point. I’ve missed kids activities to get in a needed ride; I’ve not made (many) dinners for my family to get in a needed ride; I’ve spent money I didn’t have for gloves, shorts and a helmet. I’ve not cleaned my house, not folded laundry, not helped with homework, and not shown-up for date night. I’ve been cranky, sore, tired, absent, and gone for long periods of time. I’ve relied on Mike to hit the grocery store, order pizza and pick up my slack; and he has. I’ve expected the kids to do their part without being prodded, and they have. Thank you!

I also think about the lofty $2,500 fundraising goal I set. I had no idea why I picked that number and no idea how I would raise it. Mike helped me put together The First Ever Courage Classic Bike Ride Event hoping a few people would come by and hoping to raise $500. We had many guests and raised $1,900 that night, with more donations arriving after the event. The support we received from the community and our friends and family overwhelmed us with kindness. All the donations, sweet notes, cards and thoughtful comments that came my way made me see the world differently; more together, more real, more genuine.

My initial goal to “give back” has morphed into an honest NEED to give back; to be as genuine toward other people as has been shown toward me. You just don’t realize how much little things matter until you are the recipient of those little things.


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